Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is one of the most effective ways to enhance your smile. Tooth whitening is suitable for natural teeth to improve the shade (colour of the teeth).

Emily uses 3 main brands for her professional dental tooth whitening

  • White Dental Beauty
  • Whitewash
  • Pola Smiles
  • Advanced Whitening

My preferred method of tooth whitening is always home tooth whitening. This is due to the reliable, long lasting results.

Home tooth whitening consists of custom made whitening trays.

Impressions (moulds) are taken of your teeth and sent to the dental laboratory.

The laboratory then returns your custom made whitening trays, at your second appointment we select the appropriate strength of whitening gel for you to use and demonstrate use at home. Whitening is carried out daily/nightly (depending on choice of whitening gel) to be used for up to 1 month for best results.

Once you are happy with the results from your whitening treatment, you are able to keep your custom whitening trays and purchase top up gels to maintain results.

For patients wishing to go for the ‘Hollywood white’ appearance often results of tooth whitening alone may not reach this very bright finish, so patients may wish to consider composite veneers.

The beauty of home tooth whitening is that you are able to choose your brightness of how much you would like to whiten up to the brightest natural white shade. So patients hoping to brighten their smile, but don’t wish to go ‘too white’ then you are able to stop tooth whitening when you achieve your desired result. Then keep results topped up with any remaining whitening gel you may not have used for your initial tooth whitening.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I whiten my teeth if I have fillings on my front teeth?

Only natural teeth will whiten with tooth whitening, so once tooth whitening is completed there is often a need to change and replace existing fillings to match your new shade after tooth whitening

Can I whiten my porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers and crowns will not lighten with tooth whitening

Can I whiten if I have composite bonding?

Tooth whitening will not change the shade of composite bonding, however can be used to maintain the shade of composite bonding and the natural teeth.

Can I whiten if I have composite veneers?

Tooth whitening will not change the shade of composite veneers, however can be used to maintain the shade of composite bonding and the natural teeth.

Can I whiten my teeth if I am pregnant?

Current guidance advised against tooth whitening when pregnant or breast feeding.

Can I whiten my teeth if my teeth are sensitive?

In most cases, yes. Different percentages of tooth whitening gels are available which means your whitening can be tailored to your needs.