Emily carrying out treatment

Composite veneers can provide a sleek, wide, bright smile.

Composite veneers are hand sculpted and bonded onto the front surface of teeth without any tooth reduction. This popular cosmetic dental treatment can be used to cover cracks, chips and improve the shade/colour and the shape and/or size of the teeth.

A thin layer of high quality composite resin is placed and shaped over the whole front surface of a tooth which is why this composite treatment is classed as a composite veneer.

This treatment can be carried out on a single tooth or multiple teeth depending on your desired outcome.

Many different styles and results can be achieved with composite bonding, whether you are looking a Hollywood white smile or a natural result.

There are many reasons patients opt for composite veneers. The main reasons being:

  • No tooth preparation - reduction of the natural teeth
  • Beautiful results
  • An affordable alternative to porcelain veneers

Most patients choose to first whiten their teeth before composite veneers are placed. This is done so a brighter shade can be selected for the composite veneers which match your whitened teeth.

For more information on tooth whitening - click here

For patients seeking a Hollywood white smile, the natural teeth can whiten with professional dental tooth whitening to a certain level (aiming for shade B1). However many of my patients wish to have whiter teeth than it is possible to whiten the teeth to. In these cases I recommend to consider composite veneers as a brighter, whiter shade of composite can be used to cover the whole tooth to reach these brighter white smiles. I have 7 shades above the B1 shade that teeth can reach when tooth whitening.

Shade selection when opting for composite veneers is chosen with my patients with a demonstration of the shade choice on your tooth before going ahead with treatment.

Composite veneer styles and shapes are tailored to the individual patients desires. Which means many different ‘looks can be achieved with composite bonding, whether you prefer a flat finish or a curved natural appearance, or anything in between!

Composite Veneers last between 3-5 years on average. This can be longer if well maintained.

Excellent dental hygiene is required for cosmetic dental treatment to be carried out. Clients may require Hygiene treatment (a scale and polish) before cosmetic treatment can start.

Excellent dental hygiene consists of brushing twice a day (ideally with an electric toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste) and cleaning in between the teeth daily, either with floss or interdental brushes. If you are unsure how to carry out the best dental routine. A hygienist will be able to tailor a routine for you at your dental hygiene appointment.

No Drilling – No Injections – No Pain

The first stage of treatment is a face to face consultation with Emily to discuss your desired results, check eligibility for treatment

It is highly recommended that you are up-to-date with your regular dental checkups and hygiene visits before your consultation to avoid any delays for treatment. Cosmetic treatments require you to have a healthy mouth and have no active decay or fillings outstanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between composite veneers and porcelain veneers?

Composite veneers are placed on the teeth without any tooth removal or reduction. Porcelain veneers usually require some removal of the natural tooth to provide space for the veneer which is made in a laboratory to be cemented to the natural tooth. 

Can I choose the shade of white for my composite veneers?

Yes, Emily will go through all of your shade options at your appointment, she is able to guide you to matching shades to your teeth and go through popular choices. However it is ultimately up to each individual patient to choose their desired shade.

Will I need an injection?

No, composite veneers usually do not required any tooth preparation, so there for the procedure is pain free, without the use of dental injections.

How many composite veneers will I need?

This really depends on your desired result. This is discussed at your consultation. On average most patients choose to have 8-10 composite veneers for the more dramatic smile transformations. 

Do composite veneers stain?

Composite veneers can stain over time if patients smoke and/or have a heavily coloured diet. Excellent oral hygiene and no smoking will highly reduce the risk of staining. Keeping up to date with regular hygienist visits can ensure your composite veneers look fresh.