After your mini smile makeover things can feel quite different and take some getting used to!

We recommend you cut food up and eat with the back teeth as you get used to your bite.

Avoid heavily coloured foods and drinks (such as red wine/ coffee/ curry/ beetroot etc.) for 1 month after treatment.

Avoid smoking.

Please remember composite does stain more than natural teeth, so after avoiding colourful food and drinks for 1 month, keep these foods and drinks to a minimum to avoid stain building up on your composites.

Brush and clean your teeth thoroughly as you normally would, twice a day. Use floss/interdental brushes twice a day to prevent plaque, food and staining building up between your teeth.

Avoid abrasive toothpastes such as charcoal toothpastes as these can scratch the composite and pick up more staining long term. Use a fluoride toothpaste to help prevent tooth decay - 'spit don't rinse' this means after brushing do not rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash to enable the fluoride to have its full impact.

  • Recommended brands of toothpaste to consider after composite bonding/ composite veneers to prevent staining are: Oral B 3D White, Colgate Max White, Venneir etc.

Avoid Corsodyl/Listerine mouthwash as these can stain composite bonding/composite veneers.

If you'd like to use a mouthwash, use a fluoride mouthwash at a separate time to brushing i.e after lunch/after work.

It is essential you wear either your upper or lower whitening tray/ night guard/ retainers as a bite guard at night after treatment. This will help to protect your new composite bonding/veneers from chipping due to grinding and clenching. (Your warranty is dependent on this)