composite bonding treatment

Sometimes referred to as composite edge bonding, this treatment consists of a high quality composite resin sculpted and placed, matched to the shade of the natural tooth to enhance the shape of the tooth, or multiple teeth.

Composite bonding can be added to the tips or between teeth to achieve patients desired appearance.

For composite bonding the teeth do need to be almost perfectly in line prior to bonding to achieve best results, alternatively composite veneers can mask some misalignment (if the teeth are slightly out of line).

This treatment requires no healthy tooth preparation or filling for the composite bonding to be placed. Which means this treatment is non-invasive and requires no injections or pain.

Many patients choose to have composite bonding carried out after their orthodontic (brace) treatment.

If patients are interested in orthodontic treatments such as invisalign or other brace systems I am able to recommend patients to colleagues as this is not a treatment I personally provide.

Generally tooth whitening is recommended before composite bonding treatment is carried out if patient would like their teeth whiter. As the composite placed is matched perfectly to the shade of the teeth.

The shade of the composite placed will not whiten, so therefore ensuring you are happy with the shade of your teeth before bonding is essential.

Composite bonding styles and shapes are tailored to the individual patients desires. Which means many different ‘looks can be achieved with composite bonding, whether you prefer a flat finish or a curved natural appearance, or anything in between!

Composite bonding lasts between 3-5 years on average. This can be longer if well maintained.

Excellent dental hygiene is required for cosmetic dental treatment to be carried out. Clients may require Hygiene treatment (a scale and polish) before cosmetic treatment can start.

Excellent dental hygiene consists of brushing twice a day (ideally with an electric toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste) and cleaning in between the teeth daily, either with floss or interdental brushes. If you are unsure how to carry out the best dental routine. A hygienist will be able to tailor a routine for you at your dental hygiene appointment.

No Drilling – No Injections – No Pain

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between composite bonding and composite veneers?

Composite bonding is added around the edges or between teeth. Composite Veneers have full front of the tooth coverage.

Can I choose my shade of composite bonding?

Emily will go through shade options and guide you to the perfect shade match to your teeth. It is important to have a good match to ensure the bonding looks seamless to the tooth.

Will I need an injection?

No, composite bonding usually does not required any tooth preparation, so there for the procedure is pain free, without the use of dental injections.

Does composite bonding stain?

Composite bonding can stain over time if patients smoke and/or have a heavily coloured diet. Excellent oral hygiene and no smoking will highly reduce the risk of staining. Keeping up to date with regular hygienist visits can ensure your composite bonding looks fresh.

How long does composite bonding last?

On average 3-5 years. Composite bonding can last longer if excellent oral hygiene is carried out along with no smoking/ and a reduced staining diet.